Finance Application at Stanley Direct Auto When you find a reliable pre-owned vehicle at Stanley Direct Auto, your next step is to pay for it. Most of the time, this will be through financing or an auto loan. Stanley Direct Auto provides in-house financing for buyers around Dallas, Houston, Austin, and Mesquite to get them into their next set of wheels.
You can fill out the application form before you start looking at vehicles we have in inventory. This allows you to submit the application for pre-approval. We’ll let you know how much you qualify for, so you can search for models in that price range.
When looking at your credit application, we check your employment history, income, and credit rating to determine how much you may receive in a loan. We’ll also consider debt-to-income ratio to ensure you are able to pay back the loan without causing any financial problems.
You can get started from home or on the go with our online credit application. When you’re ready to come in, you’ll already have a big part of the process taken care of.
Here at Stanley Direct Auto, we understand that sometimes life takes an unpleasant turn. Maybe you had unexpected medical bills pile up or you lost your job. Now that you’re back on your feet, you want a second chance to prove yourself. It can be challenging to get credit when you’ve had issues in the past. However, we’re willing to work with you to find a loan that gives you that second chance. Our subprime loans are designed for people with higher risk while allowing them to have a reliable vehicle with monthly payments they can afford.
We work with people from all kinds of situations:
We’ll help you get into a truck, car, or SUV that fits into your budget.
To make your vehicle even more affordable, you can use your current ride as a trade-in. Our team of experts will value your trade and let you know how much it is worth. Even a small amount as a down payment can help you get approved faster and for lower payments.
Even if your vehicle is older or not in the best shape, you can still use it as a trade-in. Here at Stanley Direct Auto, we’ll help you find a reliable car, truck, or SUV to help you get to work or other places.
Instead of trying to apply at multiple lenders, fill out just one application with Stanley Direct Auto. Our finance specialists work with multiple lenders to help you get a car loan that fits your needs.
When you need a newer vehicle and have a tight budget, trust Stanley Direct Auto to get you into a model that meets your requirements. Fill out our credit application online or stop in and talk to the team to get the process started today.